راديولا القابضة

   أنشطة استثمارية في قطاعات متنوعة على نطاق واسع مثل التصنيع والتمويل الصناعي والتطوير العقاري والطاقة المتجددة والتعدين والزراعة والنفط والغاز، والبتروكيماويات، والتركيز على قطاع الطاقة الرئيسية


   Radyolla Holding Co and partner companies are now investing in the mineral exploration and development business, focusing on ferrous, gold and other group metal projects in Republic of Sudan.

Radyolla Holding Co through its owned Yahuang Financial Leasing (Tianjin) company collaborates with a group of the largest Chinese companies in different business sectors. These companies work together as one unified organization. Their main activities includes; strategic business development, project advisory; project management; promotion and sourcing; arranging financing services for group projects; management of companies and projects; selling shares in projects or companies; selling and buying assets; global commercial rollout; deal structuring and promotion of our activities internationally.

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